TOEFL Exam Essentials is written by LearningExpress Editors. This book helps the TOEFL candidates to attain a greater skill in their english communication ability by testing listening, reading comprehension, grammar, and writing skills and can get a higher score in the exam. This TOEFL preparation book is published by LearningExpress. Candidates who are preparing for Toefl can easily get higher score if they follow this book TOEFL Exam Essentials.
TOEFL Exam Essentials details the following topics
TOEFL Exam Essentials details the following topics
- This book covers four targeted areas listening, writing, grammar structure and reading; also contain information on the Test of Written English and the computer-based test.
- Gives guidance on how to create a study schedule, and how to register for the TOEFL test .
TOEFL Exam Essentials
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