Writing Skills for the GRE & GMAT is written by Peterson's. This book is a pointer text book for writing and outlining outstanding essays. This book, Writing Skills for the GRE & GMAT will definitely gives you a strong foundation for developing your own style of writing and helps you in getting higher score in GMAT - GRE exams. This GMAT& GRE exam preparation book is published by Peterson's.
Writing Skills for the GMAT & GRE details the following topics- Provides you with real writing techniques and some great examples for your GMAT - GRE essay preparation.
- Illustrated the overview of GMAT- GRE with students tips for attending the exams
- Definitely satisfies your quest toward GMAT-GRE exam success.
Writing Skills for the GRE & GMAT (Peterson's Writing Skills for the GRE & GMAT Test)
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